Вильгельм Телль на новый лад

William Tell Told Again

Пелам Гренвилл Вудхаус (P. G. Wodehouse)

The Project Gutenberg EBook of William Tell Told Again, by
P. G. Wodehouse and John W. Houghton

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Title: William Tell Told Again

Author: P. G. Wodehouse
        John W. Houghton

Illustrator: Philip Dadd

Release Date: January, 2005 [EBook #7298]
First posted: April 9, 2003
Last Updated: May 30, 2012

Language: English

Produced by Branko Collin, Suzanne L. Shell, Charles Franks
and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team, and the
Oxford College Library of Emory University

[Transcriber's note: William Tell Told Again is two children's books in one. One is a picture book--16 full-color illustrations by Philip Dadd described in verse by John W. Houghton. The other is a humorous novel by P. G. Wodehouse, based on the picture book. The novel has a lengthier storyline, a more intricate plot, and more characterization. The bound volume intermingled the picture book with the novel, illustrations and poems appearing at regular intervals. Most pictures and verses were distant from the page of the novel that they reflected.

For this HTML version, thumbnail illustrations have been inserted following the paragraph in the novel that describes the events being illustrated. The verse descriptions of the illustrations have been moved to the end of the novel, so as not to disrupt the story. Each verse also has a thumbnail illustration. Click on the thumbnail for a larger illustration.]

frontispiece (80K)

William Tell Told Again

By P. G. Wodehouse


With Illustrations in Colour by Philip Dadd
Described in Verse by John W. Houghton

To Biddy O'Sullivan for a Christmas Present