Серебряное кресло

The Silver Chair

Клайв Стейплз Льюис (Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples))

* A Distributed Proofreaders Canada eBook *

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Title: The Silver Chair
Author: Lewis, C. S. [Clive Staples] (1898-1963)
Date of first publication: 1953
Edition used as base for this eBook:London: Geoffrey Bles, 1965 [sixth printing]
Date first posted: 5 February 2014
Date last updated: May 28, 2019
Faded Page ebook#201410B0

This eBook was produced by Al Haines

[Transcriber's note: Because of copyright considerations, the illustrations by Pauline Baynes (1922-2008) have been omitted from this eBook.]