

Ян Флеминг (Ian Fleming)


by Ian Fleming

(Adapted book. Intermediate Level)


Part 1. Chance


Chapter 1. A Meeting in Miami


James Bond, British Secret Intelligence agent, number 007, was sitting in the international transit lounge at Miami Airport. He was drinking bourbon whisky. Bond had arrived in Miami earlier that day after completing a dangerous mission in Mexico. Now it was evening, and he was waiting to catch the next plane to New York. Suddenly, an announcement came from the airport's loudspeaker system:

'Transamerica Airlines regrets to announce that there is a delay on Flight TR618 to New York. This is because there is a technical problem on the aircraft. The new departure time will be at 8 a.m. Please will all passengers for Flight TR618 go to the Transamerica ticket counter. Arrangements will be made for them to stay in a hotel tonight. Thank you.'

Bond finished his whisky. What should he do? Should he try and get a seat on another flight? Or should he stay the night in Miami? He looked out of the window. It was getting late. Beneath the dark purple evening sky, tiny lights were sparkling on the airport's runways.

Bond heard footsteps approaching. They stopped at his side. He glanced up and saw a well-dressed, middle-aged man who looked a little embarrassed.

'Excuse me, but are you Mr Bond... Mr - er - James Bond?'


'Well, I'm surprised to meet you here!' The man held out his hand and Bond stood up slowly and shook it. 'My name is Junius Du Pont,' said the middle-aged man, smiling. 'You probably don't remember me, but we've met before. May I sit down?'

Bond looked more closely at Mr Du Pont. The man was about fifty years old, with a smooth, pink face. He was dressed in an expensive suit - the kind of suit that American millionaires wear. Yes, Bond had met him before. But where and when?

'We met in France, in 1951, in the Casino at Royale les Eaux,' said Mr Du Pont. 'You were playing in an important game of cards. My wife and I were sitting next to you.'

Of course! Bond had been playing cards against a famous French gambler, and he'd beaten him and won a huge amount of money.