
Fleming, Ian

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Title: Goldfinger
Author: Fleming, Ian [Ian Lancaster] (1908-1964)
Author [introductory paragraphs]: Anonymous
Date of first publication: 1959
Edition used as base for this ebook: London: Jonathan Cape, 1959 [first edition]
Date first posted: 13 January 2015
Date last updated: 13 January 2015
Project Gutenberg Canada ebook #1228

This ebook was produced by Al Haines and Mark Akrigg

Publisher's Note:

The copy of the London first edition which we used to create this ebook was lacking pages 317 and 318, the final two pages of the novel. We have obtained from another source the text which would have appeared on these pages, beginning with the words "fisherman's jersey that was decent by half an inch."


Goldfinger, the man who loved gold, said, 'Mr Bond, it was a most evil day for you when you first crossed my path. If you had then found an oracle to consult, the oracle would have said to you, "Mr Bond, keep away from Mr Auric Goldfinger. He is a most powerful man. If Mr Goldfinger wished to crush you, he would only have to turn over in his sleep to do so."'

With the lazy precision of Fate, this, Ian Fleming's longest narrative of secret service adventure, brings James Bond to grips with the most powerful criminal the world has ever known—Goldfinger, the man who had planned the 'Crime de la Crime'.