

Ми (Me)

Today I thought I’d share my first impressions of Japan. Having spent a lot of time travelling in Asia, living in neighbouring South Korea, and watching way too many YouTube videos about travel in Japan, I thought I knew what to expect, but my first few days in the country were full of surprises. During my first 24 hours in Japan, I was struck by how confusing purchasing a metro pass can be, the number of vending machines that can be found on the streets, and the fact that I could buy a ready to go meal from a convenience store…and it didn’t end there. So, over the next few days I wrote up a list of things that surprised me, confused me, and amazed me. Now here you have it, a foreigner’s first impressions of Japan:

My First Impressions of Japan

– Vending machines are everywhere and sometimes you have multiple machines right next to each other. You can buy coffees, energy drinks, sodas, teas, ice creams and just about anything.

– The first time navigating the metro is confusing and overwhelming (especially if you’re dealing with jet lag!), but it’s a breeze once you finally get it.

– The metro is also very quiet. If people are speaking on their phones it’s usually in hushed whispers and they have the briefest of conversations before they hang up.

– On a rainy day, you can expect to see nothing but clear umbrellas on the street. I thought they were super cool because you can still see all around you and do some sightseeing even in the rain!

– Shops have plastic sleeves that you can place your umbrellas in so that you’re not dripping water all over the store.

– On a sunny day, people use coloured umbrellas to shield themselves from the sun. They act like parasols and also have UV protection on the inside.

– People ride bicycles everywhere! They also ride them on the sidewalk and through pedestrian areas so you have to be aware of your surroundings and not make sudden movements. Cyclists hardly use their bell so as to not disturb you, but that also means it’s hard to know they’re behind you!

– Speaking of bicycles, you’ll have no difficulty finding bike racks or even entire bicycle parking lots

– Conveyor belt sushi is a very fun experience!

– Car parking lots are amazing! Because space is quite limited, there are car elevators that will take your vehicle and store it either above ground or below ground. It’s fascinating to watch.