

Чак Паланик (Chuck Palahniuk)







Also by Chuck Palahniuk


Fight Club




Invisible Monsters






Fugitives and Refugees




Stranger Than Fiction






















To Amy Hempel—


—There is no other cheese.








He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.


—Adolf Hitler













Begins here first account of operative me, agent number 67, on arrival Midwestern American airport greater area. Flight . Date . Priority mission top success to complete. Code name: Operation Havoc.


Fellow operatives already pass immigrant control, exit through secure doors and to embrace own other host family people. Operative Tibor, agent 23; operative Magda, agent 36; operative Ling, agent 19. All violate United States secure port of entry having success. Each now embedded among middle-income corrupt American family, all other homes, other schools and neighbors of same city. By not after next today, strategy web of operatives to be established.


Passport man, officer nothing behind bullet glass, open and reading passport book of operative me, matching to paper facts of visa, man down look upon this agent, say, “You’re a long ways from home, son.” Man, ancient penned animal dying of too tall, pooled heavy blood hanging in leg veins. Trapped all day, then could be next walk to toilet, pow-pow, clot knock out brain.


Passport man say, “So, you’re an exchange student?” Man say, “How old are you, my boy?”


On fingers of operative me, am to count one, two until thirteen.


“So you’re thirteen?” say passport man. Behind glass, say, “Awful small for your age, aren’t you?”


Operative me say, One-three. Hold fingers straight and say repeat, Thirteen.


Iron fist of operative me, could be, flash fire explode, pow-bang. Burst bullet glass. Striking Cobra Quick Kill maneuver so collapse passport man windpipe. Render instant quick dead.


Tongue of operative me lick, licking, touching back tooth on bottom, molar where planted inside forms cyanide hollow, touching not biting. Not yet. Tooth wet smooth against lick of tongue. Swallow spit, say counting one, two, counting on fingers of hand until six. Tell passport man, to be exchange student with host family six month.