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The Mummy Returns

Джон Уитмен (John Whitman )


People in Egypt told the story of the Scorpion King and the great pyramid oj Anubis. In the Year of the Scorpion, they said, he and his soldiers will wake up. They will begin their battles again, and this time they will kill everybody and everything. Somebody has to kill the Scorpion King, or the world will end.

The Scorpion King and his soldiers are asleep under the desert of Ahm Shere. But it is now 1933, the Year of the Scorpion, and the Scorpion King is going to wake up.

Two people want to find him: Meela, a beautiful young woman, and Lock-Nail, a strong young man. They have a plan.

First, they will bring Imhotep, the mummy, back to life. Then, they will follow him to Ahm Shere and take the Scorpion King’s powers. Meela wants the mummy’s love. Lock-Nah wants gold. Imhotep wants to be king of the world.

But, ten years after their last battle with Imhotep, Evelyn and Rick O’Connell are back in Egypt with Alex, their young son. In an old, dark temple, Evelyn O’Connell finds the Bracelet of

Anubis. Lock-Nah, Meela, and Imhotep want this bracelet. It will show them the way to Ahm Shere. But the bracelet is on Alex’s arm, and he can’t get it off.

The Scorpion King will wake up in seven days! Who will win this battle? Who will find Ahm Shere? Will somebody stop the Scorpion King? Or, is this the end of the world?

The Mummy Returns is the second story by Stephen Sommers about the O’Connells and their exciting battles with the mummy, Imhotep. It is also a movie. In the movie, Brendan Fraser is Rick, Rachel Weisz is Evelyn, Arnold Vosloo is Imhotep, and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is the Scorpion King.

Chapter 1 The Scorpion King

Egypt, 4000 bc

The tall, strong young man walks across the desert.There are a lot of dead soldiers, his soldiers, on the ground at his feet. After many great battles with the Egyptians, they will never see their homes in Akkad again. But, the Scorpion King didn’t die with his men because he wears the Bracelet of Anubis on his arm.

He stops and looks up into the sky.

I am the Scorpion King!he shouts.Nobody can kill me!

He walks away into the desert of Alim Shere.

The Scorpion King carries his knife in one hand. It feels heavy because he is very tired. Suddenly, he hears horses and looks up again. He sees thousands of Egyptian soldiers on horseback. They want to kill the great king from Akkad. They want to stop the battles. The Scorpion King is going to die. Who can help him? He looks at the sky.