
Ludus Magnus


Add i t i o n a l S e t u p

S c e n a r i o R u l e s

Turn 1: Tide

: the  gains 1. All Spells are considered to be of  type until the end of this Turn.

Turn 2: Unstable Mark

: the  gains 1. Mages cannot use the Mark of the Old Ones until the end of this Turn.

Turn 3: Legion

: the  gains 3. Until the end of this Turn, whenever an Evocation is defeated, its owner summons an Evocation of the same type in a  of it.

Turn 4: New Life

: the gains 5 . Each Mage gains a Mark of the Old Ones Card.

Le g e n d a ry S c e n a r i o :

F r o m t h e D e p t h s

A Legendary Scenario is a special game that allows you to play an event from the world of Black Rose Wars: Rebirth by applying a specifi c set of new rules and using the Legendary Scenario Cards dedicated to it.

In From the Depths, the Mages must stop the awakening of the

Great Old Ones, among the few entities capable of countering the

Black Rose.

Apply the following during the regular Game Setup:

1. Steps 1 , 2 and 3 : instead of what is indicated in these points, arrange the Rooms as shown in the image below.

2. Each player draws 2 Marks of the Old Ones Cards and keeps one, revealing it in front of themselves and putting the other at the bottom of the deck.

3. Place one of the 7 Idol Tokens randomly on each room.

4. Place the Event card on the side dedicated to the Legendary


The following rules apply while playing this Legendary Scenario:

• Idols of the Old Ones: Each Idol Token has a  value of 5, and it suff ers  as if it were the Model of an Evocation (place the  cubes suff ered by the Idol Token next to it). When the Idol Token is defeated, The Mage who infl icted the most

 gains that token (remove damage cubes from the Room where the Idol Token is located). An Idol Token can be used by the Mage who has it to apply its Eff ect during their turn

(see eff ects list below), as if it were the Eff ect reported on one of their Completed Quests; if they do, the Mage discards the

Idol Token.

• Whenever a Spell with the  element is played, the  places

1 in the non-rebuilt room marked by the lowest number in the image to the right. If at any time during the game all rooms are rebuilt, the game ends immediately and the  wins the game.