To the Blight: The Eye of the World

Robert Jordan

The Eye of the World is the best of its genre.

The Ottawa Citizen


A splendid tale of heroic fantasy, vast in scope, colorful in detail, and convincing in its presentation of human character and personality.

—L. Sprague De Camp


This richly detailed fantasy presents fully realized, complex adventure. Recommended.

Library Journal


This one is as solid as a steel blade and glowing with the true magic. Robert Jordan deserves congratulations.

—Fred Saberhagen


One hell of a story. [It] kept me up past my bedtime for three nights running—and it’s been a long time since a novel’s done that.

—Baird Searles,

Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine


A future collector’s item. Jordan has brought out a completely new allegory in a fantasy concept that goes even beyond this massive story, working with an artist’s eye and the sense of responsibility of a serious historian.

—Gordon R. Dickson


Classic oppositions are brought into play: initiates versus innocents, good versus evil, the spiritual power of women versus that of men. The travelers themselves are full of subtleties and shadows—ordinary villagers who, thrust into cosmic conflict, are unable to abandon their simple human desires and fears.