The Adventure of Six Friends Chapter 9

Yulia Puchkova

Chapter 9


At that moment they saw Funny.

"Hey, Funny, help us!" Clever and Fat shouted. Funny saw Dolly and Fluffy.

"Oh, I see," he said. "Your pets are not good friends. But what can I do?»

"Get another cat," said Clever.

"OK," said Funny and ran away.

Soon he came back. He had a cat in his arms.

"Show the cat to Dolly," commanded Clever.

"And put it on the grass next to her."

Funny showed the cat to Dolly and put it on the grass. Dolly looked at the cat a moment and ran after it. And Clever ran after Dolly. But the cat wasn't sillier than Fluffy. It ran up to a tree and climbed it up very fast.

"Thank you, Funny!" said Fat. Now he wasn't afraid. He climbed up the tree and took Fluffy down. But poor Clever was under another tree now.

"Oh, no!" she said. "That doesn't help!"

"I can run to your parents," said Funny.

"But they are at work now," said Clever.

"I know what to do!" said Funny. "Clever, your house is near the park on the left. I can catch another cat, show it to Dolly and put it on the grass on the left of this tree. I can do it again and again and we can get to your house soon."

"That's a great idea!" smiled Fat. "I'm sorry, friends, but I must go." And he went away very fast.

When the twelfth cat was in a twelfth tree,

Clever and Funny were opposite Clever's house.

Clever saw her mum through an open window.

"Oh, mummy, you are back! Come here!"

shouted Clever. Clever's mother ran out and took

Dolly away.

Clever told her all the story. "Poor children," laughed. Clever's mother. "Now let's have tea with sweets and forget cats!"